Pack 3 experiences: Lisbon Story + History of Cod Fish + Arch Rua Augusta

by Visit Lisboa



Visit the Lisbon Story Centre, the History of Cod Fish Visitor Centre and the Arch in Rua Augusta


Voucher and prices valid for 6 Months!

Free entrance with Lisboa Card!!

1) Lisboa Story Centre

 is an innovative space dedicated to the history of the Portuguese capital, inspired by the wide array of facts and events that have shaped the city. Located in the East Wing of the newly renovated Terreiro do Paço, it has been designed as an interactive Visitor Attraction, comprising 6 public areas, featuring state-of-the-art technology.
Like a well-illustrated book, the Lisboa Story Centre “transports” visitors on a fascinating journey through time. Using a mixture of elaborate sets, multimedia and sensory experiences, the Centre stages dramatic recreations of Lisbon's most important historical events, within the zone between the Baixa Pombalina and the Terreiro do Paço, exploring the myths and realities of this ancient city.

Presented in a playful and interactive manner, while respecting the rich historical tapestry of this magnificent city, the Centre offers visitors an approximately 60-minute journey across time and space.
Covering an area of around 2,200 square-metres, visitors will encounter vivid experiences based on the city's main historical chapters, illustrated via computers and simulators.
On the ground-floor, the Centre has five main exhibition areas. Each area features a story based on different episodes within Lisbon’s history, structured in chronological order, in which visitors will be “guided” by a multilingual “storyteller” in a fascinating tour.
Visitors will be able to soak up the atmosphere of a 16th-century warehouse and discover products from the New World, transported in Caravela ships, also on display.
They will witness the tragic events of All Saints' Day in 1755 – in an immersive experience of the Great Earthquake and its tragic consequences.
Next, they will accompany the Marquis of Pombal as he implements his far-reaching vision for reconstruction of the city, in terms of urban planning and organisation.
These 5 exhibition areas cover Lisbon’s entire history - from early civilisations to the present day.
The 6th exhibition area is located on the first floor, with a virtual scale model of the capital, enabling visitors to explore the city’s various types of architecture, offering a more detailed account of Lisbon's history and encouraging visitors to discover the modern city.

Visitors also have access to a temporary exhibitions area, relating to the Centre's main themes.
Subject to prior booking, groups can access a gallery overlooking the exhibition - that is suitable for hosting various events including the possibility of catering services.
The six visitor areas are as follows:

Area 1 - Lisbon: Myths and Realities (depicting the River, Land, Sea and Sky; Mythological Beginnings; Colonisers and Conquerors; and the City Walls)
Area 2 - Lisbon: Global City (comprising the Cosmopolitan City; Warehouse of the World; Beyond the Horizon; The Flying Priest; the Magnificent City; Death and Politics and the Church)
Area 3 - November 1, 1755, All-Saints' Day (experiencing the Earthquake and the city in ruins)
Area 4 - Pombal's Vision (the post-earthquake plan to modernise the city and its subsequent reconstruction)
Area 5 - Terreiro do Paço (depicts the Square: Politics and Leisure)
Area 6 - Exploring Lisbon (discovering the scale model of the Baixa Pombalina zone, with interactive multimedia devices, depicting more than a dozen of key events within the city's history)


Available Audio-Guide languages:

• Portuguese (adult and kids version)
• English
• Spanish
• French
• Italian
• German
• Russian
• Mandarin
• Japanese

FREE Children up to 5 years old.

Open daily from 10am-7pm (* Last entry one hour prior to closing time!!)

Praça do Comércio 78, 1100-148 Lisboa

2) Interpretative Centre of the History of Cod

Why would the Portuguese do something as unusual as to travel to the ends of the earth to catch this everyday food? Why would countless generations of Portuguese risk and lose their lives in the world’s most inhospitable seas so that they can make a traditional fish of bacalhau? The fish from distant Newfoundland and Greenland has been part of our cuisine, and our folk culture in particular, for many years.

The Interpretative Center of the History of Cod, one of the attractions of Lisbon’s riverfront, in Terreiro do Paço tells the story why the Portuguese sailed for months on end for the purposes of catching a particular type of fish – cod.

 The Centre pays homage to this fish as a symbol of the food, culture and history of a country that has had a global outlook for centuries. It will recall the stories of generations of sailors and fishermen and explain the temperament of a people who are always ready to share what they have and to go to the far corners of the world to find what they lack. Throughout the various sections of the exhibition, visitors will explore the beginning of the odyssey of a people who set sail for the ‘seas at the end of the world’, discover how the myth of the ‘faithful friend’ at table came about and examine the future of cod, its consumption, how it is fished and new ways in which it can be cooked.

FREE Children up to 5 years old.

Open daily from 10am-7pm (* Last entry one hour prior to closing time!!)

Torreão Nascente - Praça do Comércio 1100-148 Lisboa

3) Arco Rua Augusta:

Visitable monument that offers access to a vantage point with a 360º view of the city. The emblematic square of Terreiro do Paço, the Pombaline downtown area, the Cathedral, the Castle of St. Jorge and the River Tejo are some of the iconic landmarks that you can see from the top of the building.

On the upper part of the arch, you can see the sculptures by Célestin Anatole Calmels – Glory crowning Genius and Valour. Lower down are sculptures by Vítor Bastos, representing the historical figures of Viriatus, Vasco da Gama, the Marquis of Pombal and Nuno Álvares Pereira.

Inside, in the Clock Room, you can find out about the history of this triumphal arch, from the time when construction first started, after the 1755 earthquake, to its completion in 1875.

ACCESS: Lift access to the second floor + 74 steps to the top.

FREE Children up to 5 years old.

Daily from 10am-7pm (* Last entry 30m prior to closing time!!)

For group visits or study visits, please contact the education department to book a date and time:

Tlm: +351 91 644 08 27
Tel.: +351 21 194 10 27 
Fax: +351 21 115 32 80 